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Beastlord DoT Agro Reduction

Started by Zannar, April 21, 2005, 05:41:25 AM

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After reading your response to Jita's post Jkal, it seems you agree that snap agro needs to be replaced some other way now that the dot snap  agro is gone, so maybe you would agree that our dot agro was the be all and end all for snap agro afterall? 

Actually in fact, I never used my dots for snap aggro. I used slow/incap and maybe FOL. Sorry took so long to respond, just spent about an hour or so rereading most of this.
But, I have to agree with Tast. If they fixed this around the same time they did the disease DoT's what would you use or would you continue to Tank/play your beastlord the way you do now?? Just a thought.
Animist Jkal Shi`har and tigger
Arch Animist of the Tribunal Server
My Magelo
*still my main since dec. 2001*


I tanked a lot during my 70 levels and 800ish AA's, now i will tank less (When someone is begging me for it) and probably stop trying to offtank also. Why? The fun I had, in the role i took in groups dissapeared.

Some people loves to have to cast numerous spells and push many buttons to aquire aggro needed for tanking, I dont.
I loved tanking with the "bugged" Chimera Blood as it was easy. After "fix" my snapaggro is gone. Stinks to see cleric go down to an add after he landed that CH, and you are still on the slowing phase on your spell combo of 5 spells to try to get aggro from him. Struggling is not fun imo, so I will just let the intended plate tanks and un-nerfed ranjahs do the tanking/offtanking =)

Wont stop playing Bst until at least I get to see what Sony decided our role is tho, so from now on i guess i will be pure "ghetto" DPS for groups. Wont accept tanking RSS or MPG which used to be fun, will probably log on alt ranger to play after raids are done.

Just wanted to post my opinion so Tastian knows there are 6 Bsts in Bst-community that didn't like the "fix", and not 5.

6 ppl didnt like it, i'm not even sure it's worth passing on to devs.

It's patch day and in a bad mood atm, will try to hang in there. I dont post much but love reading others point of view.



Personally I rarely used DoTs for snap aggro.  Sure, it's nice to be able to cast a spell and have a mob forget everyone else and run 20 yards away to come bash you, but /shrugs.  I don't find I really have problems peeling, as others have said you need to pay closer attention to proximity, and be alert so you can aggro adds or whatever before the cleric locks them down and gets whacked.

The only time I find it difficult is when mezzing is going on if I don't have the initial aggro, in which case you obviously wouldn't be using DoTs to peel anyway...
As someone else mentioned, if you're that gungho about tanking, maybe you should look into hate procs.

Overall, I find it's nice being able to cast a dot on incoming and actually get some damage out of it.  I do not like how most things resist our DoTs, though, and a resist mod would be real nice but who knows.


One point I'd make is I think people underestimate the aggro value of proximity and meleeing.   When I want to get an add off casters I've always found it more effect to run over, hit autoattack and slam and then start casting.

I managed to pull one of the three named in the coirnav event out of the AEing raid to the root park zone with incap so it can be done, but for trash I'd always run over first.

75 Barbarian Wildcaller of Mithaniel Marr



During raids this has been most noticeable, particularly since tis beastlords who used to die but now it is getting rarer and rarer.  Before the change beastlords, when compared to rangers, would die on an average of 10:1.  Then the guild absorbed a few other guilds post-EQ2/WoW where they would make ranger jokes.  They were told they were quite misinformed :), and the new beastlords learned it first hand (chuckles).  The jokes that grew from that came when rangers died.  Someone would spout off, "silly dead rangerxxx, are you a beastlord-in-training?".

We are just now at the point of the game where our melee DPS generally exceeds our archery DPS.   But with the recent changes, beastlord deaths have dropped.  But we still hold to tradition though, that the raid isnt officially a raid until one of our officers, a beastlord, has died.  :-D